Product Description a synthetic material used to create the famous "Game Changer" pattern.cut your desired length and wrap.can be used on any number of fresh or saltwater patterns.
Hareline Blane Chocklett's Filler Flash $6.50 sparce and flashy wrapable material.add extra color and flashadds movement to any streamer pattern.a…
Hareline Synthetic Quill Body Wrap $4.75 alterantive to natural spripped quillspack provides quills of two different widths51 strips total1.7…
Hareline Moose Body $3.50 use to create tails for your dry flies and nymphslonger and stiffer than common deer hair1.5" x 1.5"…
Hareline Senyo's Predator Wrap $7.75 blending life like movement with an easy to use forematenahnce any of your favorite streamer, nymph,…
Flymen Fish-Skull Chocklett's Body Tubing $5.95 create bigger bodies with less bulk and push more watergive your streamers a longer life spancreate …